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Face the Fear and Do It Anyway

When I was fourteen years old, I was incredibly confused and overwhelmed by teenage dynamics swirling around me. Life was easier playing it safe and being like everyone else. Standing out took courage then and still does today, no matter what age you are. You can imagine my surprise when I received a video of my niece, Ruby, performing a song in front of her entire school that she HAD WRITTEN. Polished and poised, profound and pure, she delivered her piece beautifully. I was speechless.

What she may not realize, is that this brave act has already had a profound effect on her life. She felt the fear and did it anyway. She expressed her art and gave it freely. She risked judgement and choose not to care. She dared to be HERSELF. And she will never be the same.

Life is about taking risks. Dreaming big. Speaking up. Standing out.

We all tumble from time to time, but the more you get back up, rise to a challenge and share your voice, the more you grow.

Congratulations, sweet Ruby. You are a model for us all.



Snowy Owl by Ruby LaPorta

She looks like a black and white picture

But nobody’s in it

She’s empty when she gets full

Of the things nobody wants

Is there something wrong?

Is there something wrong?

Lines and colors don’t mean a thing anymore

But can it be so lonely?

Without the birds and the moon

To sing her to sleep

Woods deep like a wound

Woods deep like a wound

Cross her mind again, snowy owl

Feathers wide and fallen

In the snowy ground, chase her

Comfort her thoughts and chase her

She holds on tight to what she knows

And doesn’t let go

She lets the foxes take her home

Her wonderland

The yarn raveled tight

The yarn raveled tight

Cross her mind again, snowy owl

Feathers wide and fallen

In the snowy ground, chase her

Comfort her thoughts and chase her

Want to be more bold in taking risks like Ruby? Learn how to let your light shine – try one of my online courses to build confidence in your ability to communicate to the world around you!

P.S. Want to make a great first impression, listen more, or deal with challenging conversations with skill and grace? Grab your free eBooks today!

P.P.S. Make sure you follow me on Twitter for more inspirational stories and thoughts like this!

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.


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