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Can We Be Honest?


As a woman who was raised by a (somewhat bra-burning) feminist, I prided myself on the notion that I could have it all. It fueled me. It challenged me. It drove me to pursue my dreams. While I am grateful for the woman I have become as a result of my upbringing, I often find myself scratching my head wondering how on earth can I actually DO it all. I want to. I intend to, but, honestly, the bar at times feels a tad high. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of reading Anne-Marie Slaughter’s article in the Atlantic Magazine, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.” Talk about a firestorm!

In her article, Ms. Slaughter shares her very frank look at the life of women, and men, as we tackle career dreams and family values. While I am not here to discuss the nuances of her point of view, I did appreciate the courage she had to voice her opinion so openly. Honesty takes courage and it’s honesty that society so desperately craves. Okay, we may get sucked up in the lives of the orange-hued gals of the Jersey Shore (which is fiction more than truth, by the way), but we are secretly wanting to share the challenges we face in the REAL life we are living.

Take a moment and recall the last true, heart-felt, honest conversation you have had in the recent past. How did it feel? What impact did it have on you? How honestly do you share yourself with the world? Take a moment and share your thoughts in the comments below. Honesty is contagious and when we let our truth shine, we give other people permission to do the same. Thanks!

To read the Ms. Slaughter’s article in it’s entirely, head on over to:


P.S. Want more tips for career success and communication? Try my online courses, free eBooks, and follow me on Twitter!

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.


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