The Blog

Articles + videos to help you get inspired

Are you an Oversharer? How to Tell + What to do About it

Are you an Oversharer? How to Tell + What to do About it

There you are, backed into a corner at the cocktail party, listening to your neighbor go on and on and on about her surgery. "And then when they cut through the tendon, well, that's when the whole thing just fell apart!" You grimace over your cocktail shrimp and...

3 Ways To Deflect Awkward, Inappropriate, Way-Too-Nosy Questions

3 Ways To Deflect Awkward, Inappropriate, Way-Too-Nosy Questions

Happy holidays! In addition to fruitcake and yule logs and piles of presents, the holidays bring well-meaning and frequently spectacularly nosy friends, neighbors, and relatives. Before you can say 'eggnog and mistletoe' someone's asking you about your weight, your...

3 Ways To Overcome Self-Consciousness (Like, Today)

3 Ways To Overcome Self-Consciousness (Like, Today)

When your inner dialogue is filled with self-judgment when you try to talk with others, it drains your power. That habit keeps you stuck in your head, swimming in your thoughts and worries, mired in concerns and insecurities, and totally distracted. But wouldn’t you...

Make Better Eye Contact, Starting Here.

Make Better Eye Contact, Starting Here.

Have you ever interacted with someone who can't (or won't!) maintain eye contact with you?  If you're a human on this earth, I imagine you have. And I bet it felt .... a little off. A little impersonal. A little off-putting. Many people struggle to make and maintain...

How To Let Go Of Perfectionism + Get Out Of Your Own Way

I had a client once who was so accomplished that the idea of starting a video blog as a beginner to that aspect of business paralyzed her. She couldn’t imagine herself starting from zero, so she talked about her idea repeatedly, without taking any action.  I...

My 3 Professional Secrets To Making Great Videos, Every Single Week

My 3 Professional Secrets To Making Great Videos, Every Single Week

I get all sorts of good questions when I'm teaching and last month's live version of Web Video 101 was no different. Yes, you really can make videos with just your iphone. Yes, your lighting really, really matters. And no I don't make videos every week. Wait. What? If...

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your (Awesome!) Introverted Tendencies

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your (Awesome!) Introverted Tendencies

Confession time: I have many, many, many introverted tendencies. Does this surprise you? Does it feel strange to be taking public speaking tips from someone who prefers one-on-one coffee chats to huge parties? Or likes to recharge with a journal on a sun dappled patio...

How Small, Brave Steps Can Lead To Big, Bold Changes

How Small, Brave Steps Can Lead To Big, Bold Changes

We all have stories we tell ourselves and stories we tell about ourselves, don't we? "I'm a behind-the-scenes type. I'm a good listener. I'm not too flashy." "I'm a charmer. I can tell a story and bring down the house! I could chat the ear off a donkey." It's human...

Why Video Beats A Boring Bio – Every Single Time

Why Video Beats A Boring Bio – Every Single Time

“John Smith is an accomplished, seasoned thought leader who has won a million awards and accrued a lot of capital letters that he can put at the end of his name. Blah blah results oriented blah blah core competency buy-in etc. etc ad infinitum.” Are you asleep yet? I...

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Broadcast Your Brilliance

Learn the secrets to making videos that look great, inspire others, and build an audience—using stuff you already own!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Swimming Through Fear

Learn how to identify what you want, the tools you need to get there, and the commitment to take action—finally!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Ace Your Zoom Interview

Easy, actionable tips to ace your next job interview—on camera—so you get hired!

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