The Blog

Articles + videos to help you get inspired

Learn How to Market Your Message (Video)

Learn How to Market Your Message (Video)

How many times have you been asked, "So, what do you do?"? How do you typically respond? Your "pitch" is the perfect opportunity to ignite someone's curiosity about who you are and what you do and yet most people shy away from this critical moment. The key to a great...

When I Was Fourteen

When I Was Fourteen

When you see a pack of teenagers huddled together at the Mall, do you squirm or smile? Does it evoke warm memories of your high school prom or distasteful flashbacks of gossiping girls? For the most people I know, adolescence was wrought with uncertainty, judgement...

How to Fire Someone (Video)

How to Fire Someone (Video)

How can you make the most out of a terribly uncomfortable situation? When an employee has cause for termination, give them the GIFT of letting them go. While firing someone isn't particularly fun, here are some tips to make the process easier for everyone. Good luck!...

Mister Rogers Remembered (Video)

Mister Rogers Remembered (Video)

It's about time that Mr. Rogers became a YouTube sensation. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was a safe haven to discover and talk about childhood fears and questions. His messages of kindness and connection inspired so many young minds. He cherished make-believe and...

Yes You Can!  Learn to Swim Through Fear

Yes You Can! Learn to Swim Through Fear

There is no better gift to give your children than to instill them with a sense of confidence. I spend a good deal of my time teaching this philosophy to my clients, and yet I have watched myself over and over again instinctually protecting my young sons from scary or...

How to leave a Voicemail Message (Video)

How to leave a Voicemail Message (Video)

When was the last time you thought about HOW you left a message on someone's voicemail? This is a key business skill. The WAY you speak tells the listener your mood, your energy level, your focus and your desire to actually connect. If you tend to ramble on, you have...

Airplane Etiquette

Airplane Etiquette

Perhaps you've been there... On a flight, crammed next to a total stranger mindlessly munching on their McD's Big Mac, dripping crumbs on their belly while blasting techno music loudly through their headphones. Unfortunately I have, and I almost lost my mind. I pride...

Video: How to Make a Great First Impression

Video: How to Make a Great First Impression

Opportunities happen when you connect with people in a meaningful way. If you squirm when you have to meet someone new, then take a peek at the video below. Making a great first impression is the key to unlocking future relationships. The world is dying to meet you,...

Face the Fear and Do It Anyway

Face the Fear and Do It Anyway

When I was fourteen years old, I was incredibly confused and overwhelmed by teenage dynamics swirling around me. Life was easier playing it safe and being like everyone else. Standing out took courage then and still does today, no matter what age you are. You can...

Video: How to (really) Listen

Video: How to (really) Listen

People are fascinating, but we often drown out their voices with the constant stream of conversation inside our heads. Learn how to cultivate the skill of listening. You already know I'm constantly encouraging you to tune in to the present moment, and connect with...

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Broadcast Your Brilliance

Learn the secrets to making videos that look great, inspire others, and build an audience—using stuff you already own!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Swimming Through Fear

Learn how to identify what you want, the tools you need to get there, and the commitment to take action—finally!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Ace Your Zoom Interview

Easy, actionable tips to ace your next job interview—on camera—so you get hired!

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