The Blog

Articles + videos to help you get inspired

How to Take a Mental Vacation

How to Take a Mental Vacation

The holidays have come and gone and if you're like me, you might still be recovering from all the hoopla. Festivities can be fun, but they can also be somewhat tiring. If you need to re-charge your batteries, I have a wonderful trick to share with you in this week's...

Diana Nyad: Never, Ever Give Up

Diana Nyad: Never, Ever Give Up

I love Diana Nyad. I heard her speak a few years ago and her spirit ignited the room. She was funny, passionate, honest and utterly captivating. She had just turned 60 and was fueled by the notion of swimming from Cuba to Florida, without the aid of a shark cage. She,...

How to Get Present Instantly

How to Get Present Instantly

The Christmas holidays are upon us and for those of you who celebrate, you will likely be pulling out your Smartphone to take tons of pictures throughout this festive time. Between family gatherings, tree trimming parties and the office soiree there will be lots of...

How to Release Your Fear of Public Speaking

How to Release Your Fear of Public Speaking

Did you know that more people fear public speaking than death? Seriously! Given the choice between exiting the planet and standing up in front of an audience, a great many individuals would choose departure. Imagine that. But did you know that this fear can be...

Break Your Habit of Vocal Fillers

Break Your Habit of Vocal Fillers

Um, I, uh, hope you are, like, having an, um, great week. It's like, uh, December! Crazy, right? Yep. Fillers. Those sneaky little ums, uhs, and likes that wiggle their way into our dialogue. But they need to go away. Why? Because people don't have the mental patience...

How to Increase Vocal Flexibility

How to Increase Vocal Flexibility

Last week I was knocked out with a wicked case of Laryngitis. In fact, I still sound like a Kathleen Turner. Today's post is inspired by my own desire to get my vocal chords healthy and happy once more. There is one simple trick you can do to instantly increase your...

The Art of Casual Conversation

The Art of Casual Conversation

News flash. You are really "public speaking" all the time. When you meet someone new, your ability to chat like a pro is a gateway to a fantastic future relationship. Never underestimate the power of casual conversation! In today's post I deliver three essential keys...

Making Great Videos Takes Practice, Not Perfection

You’ve probably heard the story of the guy walking down the street in NYC who asks a stranger “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” - and a famous violinist yells out “practice!” When it comes to video content, practice is your key to hitting it out of the park every...

Sent From My iPhone

Sent From My iPhone

Today I'm featuring a great video from my fabulous partners at Video is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience online and yet for most people, it can be intimidating to produce. Last year I launched my course, Web Video 101, to...

Understanding Arrogance

Understanding Arrogance

While we shake our heads in disbelief that the U.S. government cannot manage to speak to each other effectively, I'm devoting this week's blog post to arrogance. I have a theory about this particular state of being and perhaps if we can re-frame the way we habitually...

Alexa Fischer

Meet Alexa Fischer

Wishbeads founder Alexa Fischer is an actress, teacher, author, and speaker whose work helps people go after their dreams, build their confidence, and break free from fear. It’s time to ignite your light.

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Broadcast Your Brilliance

Learn the secrets to making videos that look great, inspire others, and build an audience—using stuff you already own!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Swimming Through Fear

Learn how to identify what you want, the tools you need to get there, and the commitment to take action—finally!

Broadcast Your Brilliance Video Training

Ace Your Zoom Interview

Easy, actionable tips to ace your next job interview—on camera—so you get hired!

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